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FairThe Town VoiceFirst
Yet Another (Futile?) Exercise in American English
By Arlon Staywell
RICHMOND — July, 2019 — As many of you have already guessed, this is not what I do for money. Its working title was "How I spent My Summer Vacation." Many kids will have to write what they did on their summer vacation soon. For some schools in Virginia it might be for the last time as they have carved the summer vacation into smaller breaks and distributed them throughout the year.
The Revolt of the Fidget Cogwheels
A raging tempest against quandaries
And conundrums, simplest cogwheels for ease
Heeding no questions, needing no answers
Fell in the ocean with many others
Simmering impolitely in the murk
Where angels' testimony did not work
Fish with no use for rainbows as they say
Gave unread books to strangers then swam away
Some dollar lawyers and penny doctors
Traded papers with the cogwheel watchers
Birds above it all in solemn flight
Wondered when the people would get it right