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Presidential Campaigns 2016


Most Complex and Interesting Election Ever

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By Arlon Staywell
RICHMOND — July 4, 2015   — The reasons the presidential election of 2016 will likely be the most complex and interesting possibly ever include the historic Supreme Court Decision on June 26 this year legalizing same sex marriage throughout the United States.  The Republican Party is well known for success in banning same sex marriage by state legislative and state constitutional means.  There are in fact far more such states than those that had legalized it by their state means.  As such the Supreme Court is and will be criticized for its judicial activism.  A big question is whether the Republicans have the same support on the issue as five to ten years ago, and if they don't what they can do about it.

Of course the United States Supreme Court decision June 25 this year on Obama's signature health care reform allowing federal subsidies to people on federal exchanges means the issue will continue to drive debate.  Most people will need to be reminded that it was June 28, 2012 that the Supreme court upheld the individual mandate in the reform, creating similar difficulties for Republican candidates.

If the trumpet give forth an uncertain sound, who shall prepare to battle?

I Corinthians 14.8

The large number of candidates this round means plenty of debate.  There are still significant differences within the Republican Party, but that might not be the reason there are so many of them running.  They do seem to get along with each other better lately.  The reason so many are running might be that they still haven't decided as early as much as they ordinarily do.

As exciting and dramatic and voluminous as it might be, the contest for president will probably be confusing.  It might be difficult to say what it means.  Despite the ability of the country to come together and agree there remain very serious differences on more issues than might appear.  Explained on this web site many years ago and still true today is the fact that most by far of all Americans believe that the military can solve the country's problems.  Yet they do not agree what the solutions to the problems are.  Do not allow the outward camaraderie to fool anyone.