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How Old the Struggle?

By Arlon Staywell

RICHMOND 2001 — Okay so maybe you are the Arlon from Oklahoma City, but where is something topical, like from the news?  This one is in a very roundabout way about a news story from September 2001 (Guess which.) and it is in the "AABA iamb-pent" style.

Who Is Standing Tall?

A gila monster's laughing heartily

He smote his prey, it's a certainty

His legendary poison met its mark

The prairie dog now clings to sanity


With pain and thirst so pressing on his mind

It's cool, clean water that he hopes to find

Amidst the jagged are stones so smooth that

Were by eternity and water signed


But now his foe is distant, this he harks

Looks all around in safety so he parks

On two legs standing tall and watching wide

And holding forepaws as though praying, barks

Now there are fields of corn where Troy once was.


© MMI by Arlon Ryan Staywell

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