Page B14
Health Care Reform versus Math and Science
Science Overthrown An often quoted line from President Obama's inaugural address is, "We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its cost." Is it a "wonder" that people need oxygen to live? Is it a "wonder" that unless profuse bleeding is stopped people die? However "wonderous" the science at one time was, it is much the province of the average fifth grader today. Of course it would be quite "wonderous" if cancer were completely understood, but it still is not. One hundred percent of birds put in glass chambers without oxygen quickly die, not one has ever lasted more than minutes, that's the science. Much work needs to be done on cancer. Some people with lumps have no cancer, some people without lumps get cancer, removing lumps, even early, doesn't always work. Some people who smoke heavily get no cancer, some people who do not smoke get lung cancer. Obviously there is much more to it than is humanly known. Rather than answers what we have is a belief system. It is the position of the current belief system in America that "medicinal" wonders can cure cancer, even while people die from cancer every day. Various anecdotal stories were found in the media during these debates by people who said they "knew" they were "cured" of cancer. They believed they knew something that with current science is not knowable. Rather than restore science to its rightful place Obama's health care reform overthrows it with the rampant belief system. Various proponents of abortion have argued that the "medical" decision whether to have an abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. Obama's health care reform puts almost all medical decisions between a doctor and your tax collector. You will be left out of the decision process entirely. You will pay for what they believe you need whether you like it or not, whether you use it or not. Various state attorneys general are considering challenging the constitutionality of the recent reforms based on their "commerce" when it seems they could as easily challenge them as morally reprehensible. |
Some Important Debates
April 21, 2011 — Legal Debate Abounds on Health Care Reform — Here | June 14, 2011 — Breakdown of the Atheist Dialectic — Here | October 27, 2011 — Obamacare and the Establishment of Religion — Here |
Further progress will be reported here when it occurs
June 28, 2012
The United States Supreme Court decided to allow the health insurance mandate and expand government control.
The estimate of the number of people who will die from cancer in 2012 is 577,190 or over 1,500 a day. Who pays for all the failed treatments? Now you will.
The term "pre-clinical" has for many years meant "before symptoms occur." Quite recently new usage is seen where "pre-clinical" means study on animals and "clinical" means study on humans. That has everything to do with advertising aesthetics and nothing to do with science. And yes there are still veterinary "clinics." |
© MMX, MMXI, MMXII by Arlon Ryan Staywell
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