It does appear though that many people do fear the idea of a god just existing and that when presented with the evidence of one prefer to ignore or attempt to deny the evidence. They do fear what the existence of a god would do to their hold on power. They fear that the existence of a god would challenge their government and they have put all their hopes in their government. They no longer understand as the founders of the country did that unless the people are godly this government will not work.
This web site exists because it presents things that main stream media and indeed most other media do not. There would be no point to simply copying the other news sources. It began because so much is parading as science that isn't science, and so much is parading as religion that isn't religion.  That is what it says in the mission statement. Only lately are more people beginning to notice how true that is.
With its message mostly unheeded the same problems result in similar "news" stories repeating over the years. Quite many years ago this site noted that the Democrats expect the military to enable people to do what they want and the Republicans expect the military to prevent people from doing what they want. The two parties therefore agree that the military is the solution. However they still don't agree what the problem is.
Some might argue that Democrats are well known for opposing the military. That they have however come to depend on government is obvious and equates to depending on the military. Meanwhile the Republican claims to depend less on government are belied by their dependence on a military that can be nothing but except as an extension of government. Trying to use the military to prevent people doing what they want is doomed because the military is directed by what people want.
This explains events of the last decades. It explains why the United States is teetering on bankruptcy. It explains why there is such widespread dissatisfaction with what is accomplished when anything is. It explains why deep beneath the surface Democrats and Republicans are so much alike.
The messages from this web site might finally be getting through. At the moment many Republicans believe that they will finally accomplish many of their goals and without overturning Kitzmiller v. Dover. Time will tell. It might prove they need the fear of a god more than they all realize yet. Of course they do have control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House, but they had that before to little avail.
They might have to scrap the idea of using the military to prevent people doing what they want. The military can only stop killing and it often does much killing in the process. To prevent people doing other things they might have to finally recognize that the fear of a god can be more useful there.
Some of the most intelligent people are members of the military. Where raw intelligence is considered that is true throughout the ranks from highest to lowest. However some people in the military and especially people not really in the military but who count themselves as supporters of it are not so intelligent. They do not understand the math, chemistry and biology of the issues in intelligent design. Because they cannot understand how to make the case they cannot be expected to try.
The same people do not seem ready to overturn Kitzmiller v. Dover with help from people who do understand the science because they believe that would empower the people who expect a "nice godly" government to give them things. If there is a god though why would anyone turn to government when they have a god?