Test Your Knowledge
The type of flower below ...
a) is about a foot across.
b) is common in Richmond, Virginia.
c) is featured on the state quarter of Mississippi.
d) blooms about through June and July.
e) all of the above.
Click here for answers.
For sociological and cultural reasons too deep to address in this brief article many Americans depend too heavily on scriptures. That is a curious thing because their own scriptures do not instruct them to do that. Yet they do and the result is that various likely misinterpretations and misapplications of those scriptures abound. And it has opened the door to people who aren't religious at all deciding what the scriptures mean. The further result is that people tend to disregard scriptures altogether, which can also be detrimental.
Holy Scriptures are the ancient foundations of the world's ethical systems. Those ethical systems and traditions that survived the centuries are important because they did survive the centuries. The representatives of those ethical systems have current information on the meaning and significance to modern life of the scriptures. Most key writings are so ancient they are set in primitive, lawless times before the ethical system thoroughly established itself and are best understood as beginning in and diplomatically rising out of that context.
The Key Controversy
The most problematic of interpretations as many of you already know is of course the Judeo-Christian story of "creation." Most intelligent, educated people consider it more art than science and they might well be correct. It is suspected that even the primitive people who first heard the story did not take it literally, but there were actually people who believed males have one less rib than females because of the story. Anyway if it is art it is not likely art alone but art with moral lessons.
An important moral lesson still valid today is that life did not arise from nothing or from dead or inanimate matter. Something else existed before and brought life into this world, albeit by a series of steps.
That is the enormous error of modern "science" to say that life arose by a series of accidents out of inanimate material. The theory of evolution in no way explains how life might arise from non-living matter, but it is a quite common mistake for people to think that it does. Especially when those first primitive microscopes showed unicellular life forms people believed life was a simple thing that could have arisen by chance. Of course modern microscopes show that even unicellular life forms are complex beyond any reasonable possibility of being randomly assembled.
If we have scientific proof of an intelligent designer why isn't that taught in public schools?
In those days of primitive microscopes when it seemed there was no proof of an intelligent designer people tried to convince themselves their ethical systems could be strong and could work without such proof. Grapes you can't reach are probably sour as Aesop's fox decided.