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Today in Brief



Daily News No Longer Here

Because the use of social media, especially public news oriented social media, has slowed dramatically it no longer seems relevant to follow daily news here.  When the internet first began there was a great hope that it would improve democracy by providing more thorough analysis of issues and faster and more dependable surveys and polls.  As it turns out few people are making any use of such an internet.

Such surveys and polls as are dependable are not taken more often than before the internet.  The life of a news story is just as long as for news stories before the internet.  Although people now have phones with internet always within reach they answer them less often than they answered phones before the internet, except when they know the caller and have immediate business with the caller.

The original intention of this website was that articles would be relevant for about one or two months.  However because they are not being addressed by large numbers of people even the much older articles here remain relevant.