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Countless CirculationThe Town VoiceFair and Open


~=~        Mission Statement        ~=~


Science, poetry, politics and religion have become muddled elsewhere.  Much calling itself science is not.  Much calling itself religion is not.  Because so much truth is lost on so many in these times, and because falsehood is so rampant much work is needed.  The mission of The Town Voice is to preserve and promote the truth.  This is our journalistic duty.

The roles in our lives of various media: radio, television, newspapers, magazines and books have also been muddled.  The new media of the internet has disrupted scheduling that was established for earlier media.  Articles in The Town Voice will remain so long as there is an outstanding need, that is so long as they are timely and of a great concern to the general public, so long as they are news.

So much has been lost that even the tenets of journalism have been misused.  While it is proper for journalism to present competing ideas such as there might be, the lack of bias has been twisted into an inability to learn anything ever by many who would call themselves journalists.  While the The Town Voice will labor to balance good science, good religion, even the good religions from the many languages and cultures there are, and other arts and debates such as might rightfully concern the general public, it will not accept every idea or use misguided searches for balance to cause failure to learn anything ever.  Some mere diversions which might have an entertainment value may be allowed providing they are no harm to the truth.

Others who attempt to promote the ideas found here are welcome; however, it should be noted that rather longstanding dismal failure might be attributable to lack of organization, lack of the complete package of ideas that tied together will prevail.  And it might well be that The Town Voice has that complete package necessary.  The Town Voice is careful to give credit where it is due and expects others to do such.

